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What are the benefits of Banana Flower Tincture

 We all know the benefits of eating bananas. But many are unaware of the benefits of eating banana flowers. In fact, banana flowers have many benefits that we can never imagine.

This is because banana flowers are rich in protein, fiber, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, and magnesium. The banana flower is also used as a medicine in Ayurveda. It is also used in the manufacture of many beauty care products.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Banana Flower Tincture In Tamil

Apart from this, a variety of dishes can be prepared with banana flowers. But the best way to get the full nutrients of the banana flowers is to make a potion with it and drink it.

You may ask what a banana flower potion is. Yes, you can make a potion with banana flowers.

This banana infusion is very easy to make. Frequent drinking of this decoction can get rid of many health problems.


Improves the health of the uterus

The infusion made with banana flowers helps to remove the problems in the uterus and keep the uterus healthy.

If you have any pregnancy problems, make and drink this banana flower decoction often.N

Preventing cancer

The anti-oxidants in bananas help reduce the damage caused by free radicals. That too can help reduce the symptoms of cancer if you continue to drink the banana infusion.


Improving mental health

The banana flower helps to improve and better maintain mental health. Magnesium in banana flowers reduces stress and relieves stress. So if you often feel unwell, drink a tumbler of banana infusion.


Improves digestion

Banana flower extract helps to improve the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and this infusion relieves problems related to digestion and maintains a healthy digestive tract.

Controlling Diabetes

An infusion made from banana flowers helps maintain insulin levels in the body. So if diabetics drink this banana infusion frequently, they can control their diabetes.

How to Make a Banana Tincture?

First, put the banana flowers in water and boil them well. Then add a little salt to the water and cook the plantains well.

Once the plantain is cooked well, take it out, cool it, and strain it.

Then, add 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder and pepper powder in the water and the banana flower infusion is ready.

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